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firewalls ??

Timothy Mallalieu writes:
 > I am configuring a new web presence and am still trying to consider the 
 > different equipment, a glaring fact that is jumping at me is the 
 > difference in price between the Livingston Firewall routers and the Sun 
 > firewall 1 or the integraph firewall. My questions are as folows:
 > 1:	what is the difference between the router/firewall config such as 
 > 	  the Livingston IRX firewall router and firewall software to be run on 
 > 			a pc with dual ethernet cards

One is a circuit-level "firewall" that implements only packet filters (the
Livingston), while the other (CheckPoint FireWall1, the product Sun OEM's)
is an application-level firewall, eveluating every packet and providing
logging and configuration at a high level of granularity.

 > 2:	what if any can people suggest as far as firewalls go ie total 
 > 	  systems, software only etc

I recommend you check out the firewalls mailing list. Send email to
majordomo@greatcircle.com with `subscribe firewalls <your email-address>'
on a single line in the body of the message. That list is significantly
more appropriate and will provide you more information. The differences
between a circuit-level gateway and an application-level firewall are
outlined in several FAQ's and books. Your remaining questions are also
frequently answered in that list and the books listed in the FAQ's.

